Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Beauty of Simplicity

I was just thinking about Christianity as a whole this morning and how i would sum up the scriptures if someone were to ask me. A verse immediately came to mind from Psalm 18:19 which says "He (God) rescued me because he delighted in me." There are two main themes in this small verse which I believe give a clear call to Christianity. "He rescued me" - we are not complete in ourselves...there is always something lacking, something crying out from inside that there has to be more and we know from scripture that it is because of our fallen nature due to sin...the truth is that the human race needs rescued...we need a hero! Jesus Christ has ALREADY RESCUED US at the cross...he brought sin to the grave and offered us new life in Him to be received by all who believe and experienced by all who lay their lives down to take up His life..."because he delighted in me" - Why would God do such a thing? Why did Christ come? The truth is that he delights in us! He came and rescued us because of His overwhelming desire for us (even in our weakness and sins). He didn't rescue us once we got our act together...he rescued us in the midst of our filth and impure ways...that is the God I serve...the One who came to me in my darkness and pulled me out because he so desired me! And what is it that he asks of me now? He wants me to be with Him...to know Him as a friend...to honor Him as a king...to draw near because I love Him and He loves me...do we have our Christian creeds down perfectly...our few scriptures memorized...our doctrines organized...none of that matters if you are not drawing near...Jesus Christ rescued you because He delighted in you...He still delights in you and is waiting even in this moment for you to draw near by faith in His blood alone (Heb.10:19) (not your performance in the past week)...let's be concerned with God's heartbeat and that heartbeat is for you...your presence...before the King of Kings...praise God for this glorious inheritance...to behold the King for eternity!!!
I love you all...